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More chocolate bars and pralines from German production

The desire for sweets containing cocoa has increased. However, the prices of the raw materials have also risen.

Chocolate tastes good to Germans.
Chocolate tastes good to Germans.

Confectionery - More chocolate bars and pralines from German production

Chocolate is not only popular at Christmas time: the production of cocoa-based sweets increased in 2022. In that year, 1.09 million tons of chocolate products were produced for sale, 1.3% more than the year before, according to the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden. In terms of the German population, this equates to 12.9 kilograms of chocolate per capita.

According to the statisticians, the prices of raw materials for chocolate products have recently risen significantly: According to the report, import prices for cocoa beans, for example, were 53.9 percent higher in October 2023 than in the same month last year. Import prices for cocoa mass and cocoa butter climbed by 27.6 percent in the same period.

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