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More checks after fires near prisons

Cars are repeatedly on fire not far from Berlin prisons. Hardly anyone believes it is a coincidence.

More checks after fires near Berlin prisons. (Symol picture)
More checks after fires near Berlin prisons. (Symol picture)

Crime - More checks after fires near prisons

After several fires near Berlin prisons, the environment is to be more closely monitored. Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (CDU) assured the police in the Legal Affairs Committee of the Berlin House of Representatives that they will consider the prisons during their patrols. If possible, the employees should be able to park their vehicles on the respective premises, according to Badenberg.

According to the Senator, there have been seven incidents since April 23rd. The first fire broke out in the employee parking lot of the Berlin Prison Heidering in Brandenburg. Nine cars of correctional officers were reportedly damaged. In the other fires, no damage to the vehicles of the employees was reported. In one case, the motorcycle of an inmate in an open custody was affected.

So far, no connection has been established between the seven incidents, as the Justice Senator stated. "However, there is already a certain oddity to note," said Badenberg. The investigations by the police and the public prosecutor's office are still ongoing.

  1. The Berlin Police have been instructed by Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (CDU) to keep a closer eye on the areas surrounding the city's prisons due to the recent fires.
  2. During their patrols, police officers have been advised by Badenberg to try and park their vehicles within the prison premises for increased safety.
  3. Felor Badenberg mentioned that the CDU will consider the prisons as part of their regular patrols, aiming to enhance the security of both the facilities and the vehicles of their employees.
  4. Despite no clear evidence linking the seven fires, Badenberg noted an unusual pattern, urging the police and the public prosecutor's office to continue their investigations.
  5. The ongoing fire investigations within the Berlin penal system could potentially lead to improvements in the city's prison security measures and the CDU's engagement with vehicle safety within these facilities.

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