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More attacks on police officers and firefighters in 2023

Police officers have long complained about a lack of respect and too much aggression on the street. For some years now, the problem has also been causing problems for paramedics and emergency doctors. The numbers in Berlin continue to rise.

A sign reading "Police" hangs on a police station.
A sign reading "Police" hangs on a police station.

Berlin - More attacks on police officers and firefighters in 2023

More police officers and firefighters have been attacked in Berlin this year than in previous years. Final figures were not yet available in mid-December, but the police estimated that there were around 15 percent more attacks on police officers and 30 percent more attacks on firefighters, as reported to the German Press Agency. According to the statistics, there has also been an increase of around 15 percent in the number of injured police officers.

In 2022, 2291 police officers were victims of an assault. In the current year, it would be around 2600, it said. In addition, there were acts of resistance against police officers during checks or arrests. In 2022, 5379 police officers were affected, and the number is expected to reach the same level in 2023.

The number of injured police officers is expected to rise by around 15 percent from 1565 (2022) to around 1800. Last year, this figure included 16 seriously injured officers; this year, slightly fewer are expected.

Some of the attacks, acts of resistance and injuries occur during aggressive demonstrations, for example by left-wing extremists, right-wing populists and corona deniers a few years ago and this year also by Palestine supporters.

Aggression against paramedics, emergency doctors and other helpers has been on the rise for years. The rising numbers were recently also linked to the riots on New Year's Eve.

In 2021, 241 victims from this area were recorded in the police crime statistics (128 paramedics and other helpers from the fire department and 113 other rescue workers). In 2022, there were already 307 rescue workers (154 from the fire department, 153 from other aid organizations). "The number of victims is set to rise by a good third in the current year."

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Aid organizations in Berlin have expressed concern about the rising instances of criminality towards emergency services, including police officers and firefighters. The German Press Agency reported that one possible reason for this trend could be the increased number of aggressive demonstrations, involving groups such as left-wing extremists, right-wing populists, corona deniers, and more recently, Palestine supporters. In response to this escalating issue, the fire department has reinforced its security measures during emergency calls to protect its staff.




The tally of victims has climbed up to 10.

The tally of victims has climbed up to 10.

The tally of victims has climbed up to 10. Following a Russian assault on a healthcare facility in the Ukrainian border town of Sumy, the casualty count has risen to ten. Initial reports indicated that a single fatality occurred during the initial strike on the clinic, as per Ukrainian Interior

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