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More and more ospreys in Saxony-Anhalt

Just a few decades ago, they were close to extinction, but today the osprey population in Saxony-Anhalt is growing steadily. The birds of prey are helped by a regulation - and a special retreat.

The development of the osprey population has been positive since 1990
The development of the osprey population has been positive since 1990

Nature - More and more ospreys in Saxony-Anhalt

The Fisher Eagle continues to spread in Sachsen-Anhalt. Currently, approximately 65 breeding pairs are known, according to the State Environment Protection Agency. Since 1990, the population has reportedly been increasing steadily.

By around 1980, the Fisher Eagle was on the verge of extinction, largely due to hunting and harmful environmental chemicals. Since the birds were placed under protection, their situation has significantly improved.

Power poles as protective shelters

Another reason for the increasing numbers is that Fisher Eagles now almost exclusively build their nests on power poles. This protects their young from most predators, such as badgers. Fisher Eagles breed primarily in the vicinity of the Elbe, Havel, and Mulde rivers. In western Sachsen-Anhalt, the Fisher Eagle has not bred so far. "The steadily increasing breeding population has led to the breeding sites of this species now being quite close to each other," the State Environment Agency shared.

Human influences remain a risk

Hunting and illegal persecution are still significant issues in some European breeding areas and migration and wintering sites. Above all, hunting with lead ammunition has negative effects on the raptor. Another threat comes from anthropogenic disturbances at breeding sites – direct or indirect changes to the environment caused by humans. It is uncertain for how long the Fisher Eagle population will continue to grow. At some point, the population will reach a saturation limit, the Agency stated.

  1. Despite the positive trends in Saxony-Anhalt, the State Office for Environmental Protection continues to monitor potential threats to animals, such as hunting and the use of lead ammunition, to ensure the long-term survival of the Fisher Eagle and other wildlife in the area.
  2. To further promote nature conservation and environmental protection in Saxony-Anhalt, the State Office has initiated several programs focused on animal welfare, including stricter regulations for hunting and the promotion of alternative ammunition types.
  3. In addition to their work with hunting regulations, the State Office collaborates with local wildlife organizations to protect endangered species, such as implementing measures to preserve habitats for endemic animals, like the Fisher Eagle, and ensuring the conservation of migratory corridors for various wildlife species, including birds and large mammals.

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