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More activists on the roof of Frankfurt print shop

At the weekend, activists held out on the roof of the former Dondorf printing works. The police do not want to evacuate for safety reasons.

Dondorf print shop.
Dondorf print shop.

Demonstrations - More activists on the roof of Frankfurt print shop

The occupation of the former Dondorf printing works in Frankfurt continued over the weekend. On Sunday, eight people were on the roof of the occupied building, according to a police spokesperson. The situation on site remains unchanged. The police have ruled out evicting the activists for security reasons.

The occupation by the collective "Die Druckerei" is already the second this year and has been going on for around a week. After the police evacuated the interior of the building, a group of activists made their way to the roof, some of whom have since left.

The group is calling for the building to be preserved as an industrial and cultural monument. It is to be demolished to make way for a new building for the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPIEA). The building, which belongs to the state of Hesse, most recently housed the Institute for Art Education at Goethe University.

The collective criticized in a statement on Sunday that the police had "denied the squatters access to water, food, warmth and legal assistance" for more than 72 hours. The collective saw the police measures as "detention". It was a police strategy "to make people leave the roof because of physical problems", said a spokeswoman for the activists.

A police spokesperson, however, explained that the activists could break off the action at any time and come down from the roof. "They have the opportunity to eat and drink at any time, just not on the roof," said the spokesperson. An emergency doctor had been on site to take a look. There was "nothing to complain about", he added. If the activists leave the roof, they will be released after "police measures".

According to the police, a rally was registered for Sunday afternoon in Frankfurt - the activists described this as a solidarity demonstration.


Read also:

  1. The print shop where the demonstrations are taking place is the former Dondorf printing works in Frankfurt, Germany, located in the heart of Hesse.
  2. On Sunday, activists organizing a solidarity demonstration in Frankfurt on the Main, gathered to show support for their colleagues occupying the print shop.
  3. Besides Frankfurt, real estate developers are also considering demolishing other historic buildings in Hesse for development purposes, sparking concerns among local communities and preservationists.
  4. Over the weekend, local authorities faced criticism for denying basic necessities such as water, food, warmth, and legal assistance to the activists on the print shop roof for over 72 hours.
  5. During the weekend, the Frankfurt police maintained a presence near the print shop but stated that they would not intervene unless requested by the property owner or if the situation becomes unsafe.


