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Berlin's Senator for Social Affairs Cansel Kiziltepe in an interview with
Berlin's Senator for Social Affairs Cansel Kiziltepe in an interview with

Money earmarked in budget for homeless facilities

According to the social administration, money has been earmarked in the upcoming budget to finance the two shelters for the homeless in Berlin, which are open around the clock. In one case, however, questions remain unanswered. So far, the so-called 24/7 shelters have been financed with EU funds, but the funding period is now coming to an end, said Social Affairs Senator Cansel Kiziltepe (SPD) on Monday during a visit to one of the two facilities in Berlin-Kreuzberg. She had fought hard to obtain the necessary 4.6 million euros per year from state funds.

The sums have now been earmarked in the 2024/25 double budget, which the state parliament is due to decide on in December. "That would secure funding for the two shelters." In the case of the shelter for homeless women in Kreuzberg, operations are to continue as before. However, it is still uncertain what will happen with the 24/7 shelter, which is currently run by the Berlin City Mission in Berlin-Mitte.

The City Mission has been looking for a new location and has also found a property. However, as they announced on Friday, the landlord unexpectedly informed them on the day of the planned start of use that they had rented it out to someone else.

"In the meantime, my house has of course been working on an expression of interest procedure, which we will set up soon," said Kiziltepe. We will then see whether the Berlin City Mission applies. "Or whether it will be another provider - I can't say yet."


