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Moment of silence in honor of slain police officer; Steinmeier deplores the use of force.

A week following the lethal knife assault at Mannheim's market square, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann (Greens), honored the slain police officer with a moment of silence. Both were present alongside police officers...

Policewoman with rose at memorial in Berlin
Policewoman with rose at memorial in Berlin

Moment of silence in honor of slain police officer; Steinmeier deplores the use of force.

This past Friday, a man from Afghanistan, aged twenty-five, carried out a vicious attack on members of the anti-Islam activist group Pax Europa, as well as a police officer, on the Mannheim market square. Wielding a knife, he injured several people, with a twenty-nine-year-old police officer sustaining life-threatening injuries. The officer later underwent emergency surgery and was placed in an artificial coma. Tragically, the officer succumbed to his wounds on Sunday, sparking widespread mourning across the nation.

In an act of remembrance, Federal President Steinmeier paid his respects to the fallen officer by laying a wreath of white flowers amidst the silence of the Mannheim market square. Joining him were Steinmeier, Kretschmer, Baden-Württemberg's Interior Minister Thomas Strobl, police officers, and citizens alike. At 11:34 pm - the exact time of the attack one week prior - a church bell tolled to mark the somber moment. A moment of silence ensued, with many onlookers applauding to show their admiration for the slain officer.

Steinmeier, in addressing emergency responders in Mannheim, articulated: "This grotesque act of terror in Mannheim has left our country shaken and dismayed, but it cannot freeze or divide us." He referenced the history of despicable acts of politically inspired violence leveled against mayors and individuals that served the common good. "We must put an end to this violence," he emphasized.

The democratic discussion should cease when violence is the weapon of choice. Steinmeier himself expressed, "We must detest violence, irrespective of its source." He urged citizens to unite in their resolve to counter violence, hatred, and extremism resolutely.

The police in Baden-Württemberg called for a nationwide minute of silence for the loss of the police officer. This prompted numerous police departments across various federal states to honor their fallen comrade in a similar fashion.

In Berlin, thousands of police officers, politicians, and ordinary residents quietly made their way to the Baden-Württemberg state representation. Wreaths and flowers were laid in tribute. The police unions had organized the solemn procession. The occasion was attended by Berlin's governing mayor, Kai Wegner, and Interior Senator, Iris Spranger.

The Federal Prosecutor's Office is currently examining the suspect, who they suspect intended to target freedom of expression. The alleged perpetrator has been residing in Germany since 2014. Media reports indicate that his asylum application was denied at that time. But he subsequently acquired a temporary residence permit.

The incident in Mannheim provoked an extensive discussion concerning its implications. Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) labeled the deadly knife attack as a "terrorist" act and advocated for deporting serious criminals from Afghanistan and Syria as part of a government statement released on Thursday.

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