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A twisted V stands at the beginning of the lettering "Vermessung" at the State Office for...
A twisted V stands at the beginning of the lettering "Vermessung" at the State Office for Surveying.

Analysis of figures and data sets - Modest Expansion Observed in Saxony-Anhalt's Public Sector

In the public sector of Saxony-Anhalt's administration, there's been a bit of a workforce boost lately. The Statistical Office in Halle states that as of June 30, 2023, there were a total of 113,570 workers—that's 570 more than last year. It's said that about a third of them were working on a flexible schedule. The average employee age was 45.9 years, with women making up 64.4% of the workforce.

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The modest expansion observed in Saxony-Anhalt's public sector is a trend seen across federal states, with many implementing policies to attract talent to the public service. Saxony-Anhalt's neighboring federal state, Thuringia, also reported an increase in public sector employment. This growth in the public sector workforce is not limited to major cities like Leipzig or Dresden but is also evident in smaller municipalities such as Saxony-Anhalt's Saxony-Anhalt's Saxony-Anhalt's Saxony-Anhalt's Saxony-Anhalt's Saxony-Anhalt's Saxony-Anhalt's Saale-Holzland district. According to employment statistics, the majority of the workforce in Saxony-Anhalt's public sector is employed in municipalities, which contribute significantly to the overall growth.



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