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Mobile communication measurement week reveals inadequacies in network coverage.

Residents have uncovered discrepancies in their readings. Upon thorough examination of the information, there will be discussions with mobile network providers.

A mobile phone mast stands on a hill.
A mobile phone mast stands on a hill.

Communication via electronic devices - Mobile communication measurement week reveals inadequacies in network coverage.

The Digitalization Minister, Alexander Schweitzer (SPD), recently praised the success of the state-wide mobile phone signal check in Rhineland-Palatinate. He stated that the availability of 4G and 5G networks in the area is generally satisfactory. However, he admitted that there are still a few areas where the only accessible networks are those limited to 2G or lacking any network coverage.

Over 2800 individuals took part in the signal check week, providing almost 1.6 million valid readings. With 95% of those readings, a decent network connection, either 4G or 5G, was detected. These statistics showed that there was an issue at 3.2% of the spots, with coverage only available on 2G networks. Moreover, 1.7% of the readings were inconclusive, as no network signal at all was identified in those locations.

"In the upcoming months, we will collaborate to examine the collected data and identify specific areas where further focus tests for mobile phone coverage, with the help of our testing and monitoring services, are needed," said Klaus Müller, the President of the Federal Network Agency. Concerning the focal points and irregularities, Schweitzer stated they will be identified during a joint analysis of the data.

Finally, Schweitzer disclosed that the outcomes of this week-long examination as well as those from subsequent measurement drives would be analyzed in connection with the Mobile Phone Round Table initiated with the mobile network operators. The Federal Network Agency will also study the data and include it in their discussions with mobile network operators.

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