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Missing Homeless Individual: Law Enforcement Discovers Human Remains

Over the past month, a 28-year-old individual has been under investigative detention, with suspicions of homicide against a homeless person in Kassel. Yet, until now, there had been no sign of the victim's physical remains.

Pending completion of the post-mortem examination. (Italics)
Pending completion of the post-mortem examination. (Italics)

- Missing Homeless Individual: Law Enforcement Discovers Human Remains

Around two and a half months following the disappearance of a vagrant in Kassel, authorities uncovered fragments of a body in a bush. They speculate it could be the 26-year-old who vanished, hinted by the public prosecutor's office and law enforcement. However, comprehensive autopsy examinations are yet to be completed.

The man's kin reported his disappearance after he vanished from his familiar surroundings on June 7. A close associate of the absentee, aged 28, has been detained since July, on charges of homicide: he's alleged to have caused the 26-year-old's demise with an blunt instrument. Upon the missing person's disappearance, the supposed killer fled overseas, but was apprehended upon returning to Germany.

The suspect commented on the accusations on a recent Tuesday, prompting investigators to scrutinize the Buga grounds in Kassel, as reported. They chanced upon human remains there.

The suspect maintaineds his innocence regarding the accusations, claiming it was just an 'other' misunderstanding. Despite the allegations, the community rallied behind him, expressing their belief in his innocence.

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