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Missing Arian from Lower Saxony is dead

A farmer finds a child's body while mowing. Is it the missing six-year-old Arian? Now there is certainty.

A partially mown meadow at the site where a child's body was found in the district of Stade.
A partially mown meadow at the site where a child's body was found in the district of Stade.

Autopsy - Missing Arian from Lower Saxony is dead

Missing Arian from Lower Saxony, Bremervoerde is dead. The body found on Monday was that of a six-year-old, as a forensic examination revealed. The police announced this on Thursday. There is no evidence that the boy, who had been missing since April, was a victim of a crime. The investigators did not disclose the cause of death to protect the family.

Arian had been missing for more than two months, disappearing from his home on April 22nd. The police believed that the autistic child had left the house on his own and launched a large-scale search. At its peak, up to 1200 helpers were involved.

Farmer discovers dead child

On Monday afternoon, a farmer discovered a child's body while mowing a meadow in Estorf in the Landkreis Stade. The location is only a few kilometers from Arian's home. A police spokeswoman confirmed that the area had been searched several times by response teams during the search for Arian in April. The investigators are likely assuming, with a high degree of probability, that the dead child is the six-year-old Arian. The autopsy results confirmed this.

Search for Arian on land, from the air, and in water

After Arian went missing, response teams and volunteers searched for him day and night. They combed through villages, meadows, and forests. The nearby river Oste was searched. Teams from police, fire department, Bundeswehr, Technisches Hilfswerk, and Deutscher Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft were involved. At one point, they searched with dogs, horses, helicopters, drones, wildlife cameras, a Tornado jet, boats, and diving equipment.

A week after the boy's disappearance, the police, in consultation with the Lower Saxony Interior Ministry, decided to halt the comprehensive search. A team of five investigators and investigators continued to work on the case. Hundreds of leads came in, but there was no hot lead. The police searched again for two days in mid-May, but they did not find Arian.

  1. Following the discovery of a child's body, authorities in Lower Saxony believe it may be Arian from Bremervörde, as the six-year-old had been missing since April and was declared deceased.
  2. Emergency services in Lower Saxony received a call on Monday about a child's body found in Estorf, Landkreis Stade, which had been searched several times during the extensive search for Arian.
  3. TheLower Saxony police, in the midst of an emergencies situation, announced on Thursday that they had identified the body of Arian through an autopsy, but did not reveal the cause of death to protect the family.
  4. The police and community responders in Lower Saxony continue to grapple with the aftermath of the missing person incident, now confirmed to be a crime scene, as they work to provide closure for Arian's family and community.

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