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Misconceptions Surrounding Weightlifting Debunked

Enhance physical strength in your muscles.

To the point of muscle failure? If you're just starting weight training, you shouldn't push...
To the point of muscle failure? If you're just starting weight training, you shouldn't push yourself to the limit straight away.

Misconceptions Surrounding Weightlifting Debunked

For those who engage in weightlifting, is it merely about physical appearance in their minds? And have they abandoned protein supplements? Newbies and those curious about strength training should steer clear of these misconceptions.

Lifting weights onto the barbell bar, and down comes the deadlift - a common exercise in strength training. However, strength training is filled with misunderstandings. Two sports experts set the record straight:

  1. I must train intensively and with the heaviest weights possible.

"It's not that straightforward," says Johannes Frank. He is a physio, coach, and fitness center owner in Berlin. In strength training, proper dosage is crucial, especially for beginners. Guidance from a trainer or coach, as well as a personalized plan tailored to one's goals, is beneficial for novices.

Newcomers should not rush to their limits: "The training should gradually build up so that the body can get used to the increased load and stress and adapt," says Prof. Petra Platen. She is a sports medicine and nutrition professor at the Ruhr-University Bochum.

For common health-oriented strength training, that is, not professional sports, two to three training sessions per week with manageable weights are sufficient for the beginner.

And later? Then one can focus on two fundamental principles, according to Frank, so that muscles grow and the number of plates on the barbell increase. These contradictory principles are: "First, maintain a clean technique and controlled execution. And second, believe in yourself with the heavy weights and give it your best!" concludes Frank.

  1. Only multi-joint exercises are effective! Isolation exercises like leg curls or leg presses are ineffective.

It's not so straightforward to claim this generally. Indeed, isolation exercises, which train only one muscle and are therefore called isolation exercises, can be meaningful.

However, "effective" in popular terms are exercises that produce significant results in one's fitness with minimal time investment. Therefore, it's advantageous if not only one muscle is involved. "Exercises like the deadlift are suitable for effective strength training, as they train multiple muscle groups at the same time," says Johannes Frank.

"However, if there's an injury or a muscular imbalance in the body between the back and the abdominal muscles, these muscle groups can be trained separately," says Frank.

Which exercises are beneficial depends on the answer to this question: What is one's personal objective? "For instance, if I want to focus on my grip strength in my right arm, then leg curls won't help, but I should target the corresponding muscle groups in my training," says Petra Platen. For optimizing thigh strength, leg curls are of little use.

  1. If I, as a woman, train with weights, I will become too muscular.

Strength training athletes can breathe a sigh of relief with this thought. "Let's focus on what our body can do and not whether it fits an aesthetic ideal," says Johannes Frank. Everyone is unique - and fitness varies for everyone. But that's good, finds the expert.

Moreover, "the increase in muscle mass is individual", says Petra Platen. For some people, intense training leads to muscle growth relatively quickly. Others, often people of slender body constitution, train themselves a lean look, without any noticeable changes.

  1. Weight training is mostly done for looks.

A sculpted body may be an attractive byproduct for many. However, the primary motivation is often something else. Petra Platen says, "In competitive sports, weight training is not done for looks - strength is the most important motoric stress factor, because it lies at the foundation of everything else." Therefore, one trains strength to improve performance and to stabilize the movement apparatus.

And in recreational sports? "Almost everyone needs a sporty counterbalance to their often sedentary daily life in order to remain mobile and active into old age," says Johannes Frank. Regular strength training thus delivers effects far more valuable than mere changes in appearance.

By the way, older people are increasingly being introduced to strength training. "Because whoever has a lot of strength is always also fast - and can quickly recover from falling, for example," says Frank. Strength exercises keep the body stable and prevent falls.

  1. Protein supplements like shakes and bars are essential if I do strength sports.

No, they are not essential, but such products can aid in specific cases. Because: "Athletes and athletes have a fundamental higher protein requirement than less active people," says Johannes Frank. In our muscles, there is indeed protein. Therefore, "muscle mass only grows if the building material, which leads to muscle growth, is also present in sufficient quantities," says Petra Platen.

Therefore, one should consider protein intake when doing regular strength training: The German Nutrition Society (DGE) refers to international expert societies, which recommend that athletes and athletes consume 1.2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. This recommendation applies from a training frequency of at least five hours per week.

Who eats vegetarian or doesn't sufficiently incorporate plant-based protein sources into their diet may not reach this amount. "Protein shakes and bars can then be a convenient supplement to cover the increased requirement, for example directly after training," says Frank.

Who doesn't participate in competitive sports, however, should not overemphasize nutrition. Petra Platen offers a tip for a good meal post-training: Ideally, for example, potatoes with an egg. In it, there are not only many proteins, but also carbohydrates, which the body needs after training as well.

Read also:

Consumers seeking advice on their fitness journey might consider consulting a health advisor, as they can provide personalized recommendations for strength training regimes. Moreover, it's important for consumers to understand that isolation exercises, like leg curls or leg presses, can be beneficial if they align with one's specific fitness goals.



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