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Miraß: Frustration factor not everything in local elections

The state secretary responsible for the east of MV sees dissatisfaction among the population, but hopes to limit the frustration factor in the upcoming local elections.

Heiko Miraß, Parliamentary State Secretary of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in Schwerin.
Heiko Miraß, Parliamentary State Secretary of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in Schwerin.

Western Pomerania State Secretary - Miraß: Frustration factor not everything in local elections

The State Secretary responsible for eastern Mecklenburg-Vorpommern hopes that the upcoming local elections will not be too strongly influenced by voter frustration. "I can already see that people are feeling crisis fatigue and perhaps also a certain dissatisfaction and sometimes resignation," said the Parliamentary State Secretary for Western Pomerania and Eastern Mecklenburg, Heiko Miraß (SPD), to the German Press Agency. This is not surprising given the "permanent crisis mode" due to the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine. In the end, however, people understand that they need solutions for the future.

It is widely known "that you won't necessarily find them with the AfD now". He does not expect a "blue wave" conjured up by the AfD in the upcoming elections in June. Nevertheless, he could imagine an increase in populist election results due to dissatisfaction. However, he believes that people will recognize when someone is "not just waving their flag in the wind, but who persistently stands up and tries to somehow find the best possible solution".

With regard to the political debate, Miraß said that "sometimes the wind is a storm at the moment". He had noticed this, for example, in the debate about the controversial Rügen terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG). "I live on the island of Rügen and you often find yourself in situations where the temptation is really great to say what people would like to hear from me, because that makes me feel better in this situation." On the other hand, when he explains to people that questions of energy supply security are not decided regionally, but in Berlin, it is often not easy. "That was sometimes extremely unpleasant. What you had to listen to was no longer nice." However, he had the impression that straightforwardness was rewarded in the end. "So that you don't always just say things that are convenient."

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