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Minor hiccup during European elections in Essen.

European polling in Essen faced a small initial problem. At a nursing home in Heidhausen, poll workers couldn't access the ballot box on Sunday as it was located inside a locked room where none of those present had the key. The head of Essen's electoral office confirmed this issue when...

A woman throws her ballot paper into a ballot box at a polling station in Essen.
A woman throws her ballot paper into a ballot box at a polling station in Essen.

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The leader mentioned that they brought the necessary election materials, including the ballot box, to the polling stations promptly, allowing the voting to begin at 8:06 am. The stations opened on time without any issues, and everyone there was patient. Beforehand, the ballot papers and ballot boxes had been delivered to all the polling stations several days prior. All 309 stations in Essen also started the voting process on schedule on Sunday.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the most inhabited federal state, over 13.8 million people were required to vote in the European election on Sunday. The voter turnout during the last European election in 2019 in NRW, as well as in the national government, stood at 61.4%.

Radio Essen covered the news.

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