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Ministry of Science plans shows in various cities

The Ministry of Science plans to travel through Saxony in the new year with a traveling campaign to present various topics and institutions. The campaign, called "Spin2030", will use shows to shed light on topics such as artificial intelligence or the importance of the chemical industry in an...

Education - Ministry of Science plans shows in various cities

The Ministry of Science plans to travel through Saxony in the new year with a traveling campaign to present various topics and institutions. The campaign, called "Spin2030", will use shows to shed light on topics such as artificial intelligence or the importance of the chemical industry in an entertaining, but also spectacular or controversial way, the ministry announced in Dresden on Tuesday. Stops include Crostwitz in the district of Bautzen, Mittweida (district of Central Saxony), Delitzsch (district of North Saxony) and Freiberg.

In addition to scientists, Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow also wants to be part of the campaign, it was said. "For many, cutting-edge research is something that is far away. In fact, a lot of exciting and spectacular things are happening at scientific institutions right on our doorstep. We want to get people excited about this," said the CDU politician. In addition to various shows, a major science festival is also planned for March next year in Dresden.

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