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Minister: Strengthening migration and participation in rural areas

Lower Saxony has taken over the chairmanship of the Conference of Integration Ministers. Department head Andreas Philippi wants to address a number of topics during the consultations with the other federal states.

Lower Saxony's Integration Minister wants to strengthen migration and participation services in...
Lower Saxony's Integration Minister wants to strengthen migration and participation services in rural areas.

Conference of Integration Ministers - Minister: Strengthening migration and participation in rural areas

Migration and participation in rural areas should be promoted, according to Niedersachsen's Integration Minister Andreas Philippi. The SPD politician stated this today in Hannover during the Integration Minister Conference, whose chair Niedersachsen will hold for a year starting in July.

As the chairing state, Niedersachsen aims to make a significant contribution to "shaping our immigration society crisis-proof and future-ready," emphasized the Minister. In addition to the discussions with the state colleagues, Niedersachsen intends to advocate for the lowering of prerequisites for language courses and stronger support for women with a migration background.

The Minister also highlighted the importance of integration courses. Uta Biermann, Integration Department Head in the Ministry, stated that it can be difficult to fully attend integration courses in rural areas. This is due to mobility issues on the countryside or childcare. She emphasized that it is essential to have good offers also in more rural regions. This is the beginning of a good integration.

The Integration Minister Conference has existed since 2007, and the chair rotates annually among the federal states. Members include the ministers and senators responsible for integration. A conference of the heads of departments is planned for the coming April in Göttingen.

  1. Andreas Philippi, the SPD politician serving as Integration Minister in Lower Saxony, advocated for promoting migration and participation in rural areas during the Integration Minister Conference in Hanover.
  2. Highlighting the importance of integration courses, Philippi mentioned the challenge of fully attending integration courses in rural areas due to mobility issues and childcare, and emphasized the need for good offers in these regions.
  3. As part of Niedersachsen's role as the chairing state of the Integration Minister Conference starting in July, Philippi aims to lower the prerequisites for language courses and provide stronger support for women with a migration background, contributing to shaping an immigration society that is crisis-proof and future-ready.
  4. Uta Biermann, Integration Department Head in the Ministry, underlined that a good integration begins with having meaningful integration courses available in not only urban areas but also in more rural regions, ensuring equitable opportunities for foreigners in society.

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