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Minister President Rhein calls on people to be confident

Hesse's Minister President Boris Rhein (CDU) has called on citizens to be confident for 2024 despite the current challenges. "The starting position is good. Hesse is a great, stable and strong state. A state that sticks together," said the head of government in his New Year's address on Sunday,...

Boris Rhein speaks at a press conference.
Boris Rhein speaks at a press conference.

Challenges - Minister President Rhein calls on people to be confident

Hesse's Minister President Boris Rhein (CDU) has called on citizens to be confident for 2024 despite the current challenges. "The starting position is good. Hesse is a great, stable and strong state. A state that sticks together," said the head of government in his New Year's address on Sunday, according to a statement from the State Chancellery.

As examples, Rhein cited the above-average voluntary commitment of the people of Hesse, the efficiency of companies and the attractiveness of rural regions and cities.

The new Hessian state government wants to "guarantee prosperity and security for all", said the Minister President and announced that citizens would be involved in future politics. "Democracy thrives on listening, taking things seriously and participating. We want to bring debates back to the center of society instead of repressing them." The new state parliament will be constituted on January 18.

Rhein thanked all the people who are committed to the well-being of their fellow citizens. These included police officers, firefighters, the emergency services and refugee helpers. "Our society is so strong because so many people fill it with life and love, humanity and compassion," said Rhein and called for people to stick together and treat each other with respect.

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Boris Rhein, the Minister President of Hesse, made his appeal for confidence during his New Year's address in Wiesbaden, urging citizens to remain hopeful for 2024 despite the current challenges. The new Hessian state government, which includes Rhein, aims to guarantee prosperity and security for all while encouraging citizen involvement in politics. In his speech, Rhein expressed gratitude towards individuals such as police officers, firefighters, and refugee helpers who contribute to the strength of society.

Rhein finds confidence in the above-average voluntary commitment of Hesse's people, the efficiency of its companies, and the attractiveness of its rural regions and cities. Additionally, the Minister President highlighted the role of bourgeois Democracy, which thrives on listening, taking things seriously, and participating, in bringing debates back to the center of society.

Similar to the Rhine, which serves as a unifying force in the region, Rhine emphasizes the importance of people sticking together and treating each other with respect, ultimately reinforcing the strong community spirit in Hesse.




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