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Minister of Culture wants to expand democracy education in schools

"W for values" is the name of an action plan designed to prepare Saxon schoolchildren for democracy in times of fake news and populism. Experts provide numerous recommendations.

Minister of Education Christian Piwarz wants to expand democracy education in schools.
Minister of Education Christian Piwarz wants to expand democracy education in schools.

School - Minister of Culture wants to expand democracy education in schools

Saxony's Culture Minister Christian Piwarz aims to improve political education in the schools of the Free State. For a new action concept with the title "W for Values", the CDU politician called an expert committee of 16 experts. "Democracy must be learned. That's why democratic education in school is also so important," explained Piwarz. But democracy should not only be consumed, but lived through participation and co-creation by all. Democracy functions as a state form only with the active involvement of people.

School democratic education can only be successful if we shape our social coexistence and commit ourselves to freedom and human rights in this way. In these days, we need more than ever people who fight for our liberal democracy, for it is worth it, emphasized the Minister. With the further developed concept, one wants to give school principals and teachers a contemporary instrument for support.

The expert committee formulated 76 recommendations. Most measures should be implemented immediately and include the further development of media education projects. Specifically, this concerns clarification, sensitization, and strengthening in topics such as cyberbullying, hate in the net, and disinformation. Many measures are also part of the strategy "Education Land Saxony 2030". For example, the goal is to strengthen the participation of girls and boys. In the future, a hour without lessons should be scheduled as "class council" in the timetable.

  1. Christian Piwarz, the CDU's Culture Minister in Saxony's Free State, acknowledged the importance of democracy education in schools, stating, "Democracy must be learned."
  2. As part of his initiative, Piwarz convened an expert committee of 16 individuals to develop an action concept titled "W for Values" for enhancing political education in schools.
  3. The committee, comprising experts from various fields, presented 76 recommendations, many of which focus on media education projects, such as addressing cyberbullying, hate speech, and disinformation.
  4. In line with the "Education Land Saxony 2030" strategy, the recommendations also aim to foster gender equality by scheduling a "class council" hour in the timetable to encourage active participation from both boys and girls.
  5. Christian Piwarz emphasized the significance of his initiative by saying, "In these days, we need more than ever people who fight for our liberal democracy, for it is worth it."

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