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Minister Hamburg open to later school start in the morning

For years, there have been discussions about early morning school starts in Germany. Minister Hamburg can also imagine later starting times.

Julia Willie Hamburg (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Minister of Culture of Lower Saxony, speaks.
Julia Willie Hamburg (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Minister of Culture of Lower Saxony, speaks.

Schools - Minister Hamburg open to later school start in the morning

Culture Minister Julia Willie of Hamburg is open to a later school start time in Lower Saxony. Some federal states are testing models for this. "In Lower Saxony, we only have one requirement. It's that there should be no regular teaching before 7:30 am. Otherwise, it's up to the schools and the school authorities," Hamburg told NDR in Lower Saxony.

The Green politician announced an information campaign on the topic of education. Kindergartens are struggling with a lack of skilled workers, even though a record number of people are training to become educators or social assistants: There are currently 19,200 people training to be educators or social assistants, the minister said. Possibilities such as student grants or paid part-time training are still not well known.

In the coming years, 2,460 new teaching positions should be created in schools. "We won't make it to 100 percent teaching coverage with that," Hamburg emphasized. The reason for this is an additional 30,000 students due to the influx of refugees and increased birth rate.

Hamburg expressed disappointment over the poor result of her party in the European elections. She criticized the communication of the Greens: "We notice that we no longer reach many people via social networks." The Greens need to be more present in the country, explain their plans more clearly and simply, she said.

Hamburg expressed openness for a coalition government with the CDU: "We are in very good talks with all democratic parties." It's important in these times that everyone talks and works together. The deputy minister-president emphasized, however, the good cooperation between SPD and Greens. We still want to bring many projects to fruition during the legislative period.

  1. Julia Willie, the Green Minister of Culture from Hamburg, has shown interest in advocating for a later start of lessons in Lower Saxony, following the lead of some other federal states.
  2. During her visit to NDR in Lower Saxony, Willie highlighted that while schools in the region have freedom to set their own start times, the only strict requirement is no regular teaching before 7:30 am.
  3. Hanover, being a part of Lower Saxony, could potentially benefit from this proposed change, along with other schools across the state.
  4. In light of the upcoming elections, Julia Willie, representing the Alliance 90/The Greens in Hamburg, expressed her disappointment over the poor results of her party in the European elections.
  5. Willie pointed out that the Greens' communication strategy needs improvement, particularly in reaching people through social networks and explaining their plans in a more straightforward manner.
  6. In the political discourse of Lower Saxony and Germany, Willie has shown willingness to form a coalition government with the CDU, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with all democratic parties.
  7. Despite the possibility of a coalition with other parties, Julia Willie underlined the strong cooperation between the SPD and the Greens in Hamburg, aiming to achieve numerous projects before the end of the legislative period.

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