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Minister does not want solar systems on good farmland

There are more and more solar power plants in Thuringia. Their expansion is booming. But there are areas that must be off-limits, says the minister responsible.

Bernhard Stengele, Thuringian Minister for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation.
Bernhard Stengele, Thuringian Minister for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation.

Renewable energy - Minister does not want solar systems on good farmland

Environment and Energy Minister Bernhard Stengele has spoken out against solar installations on good farmland. "We have enough alternatives here, especially roofs and sealed surfaces, which can be used for photovoltaic (PV) expansion," the Green politician told the German Press Agency in Erfurt. Solar expansion in Thuringia is booming this year - in some regions with comparatively high levels of sunshine, arable land is also attracting the attention of investors.

In his view, only areas where the soil and climate make agriculture possible only to a limited extent - so-called disadvantaged agricultural areas - would be suitable for solar parks or ground-mounted systems for generating electricity, according to Stengele.

"In the future, it will be important to designate high-quality agricultural areas as priority areas for agriculture in regional planning and thus remove them from PV use," said the Minister. The local authorities would then have good opportunities to prohibit this. These are already being used.

Municipalities could use the development plan to prevent investor projects. As an example, he cited the Altenburg city council, which had recently spoken out against solar parks on high-quality farmland. The Thuringian state development program is decisive for regional plans. The priority of agricultural use is also stipulated there. In addition, with the Thuringian Photovoltaic Open Space Ordinance of July 2023, the ministry is focusing on the expansion of solar parks in agriculturally disadvantaged areas.

According to the Ministry of Energy, it is almost impossible to say whether individual solar installations may be located on good farmland in Thuringia. According to a spokesperson, there is no obligation to report this.

According to data from the comparison portal for solar installations "Selfmade Energy", the solar growth rate in Thuringia in the first nine months of the year was 31.4 percent compared to 2022 as a whole. According to the ministry, the 60,000 mark for solar installations in the state was reached in August. The high growth this year was also due to so-called balcony power plants - according to the state energy agency THEGA, almost 3,000 were added in the first half of the year alone.

Open space ordinance

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