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Mini tour as a "consolation": female ski jumpers in Garmisch

Still no tour, but a two-stop trip. Start in Garmisch, end in Oberstdorf: then it's already over for the ski jumpers at the traditional venues.

Anna Rupprecht (l-r), Selina Freitag, Katharina Althaus and Luisa Görlich celebrate their
Anna Rupprecht (l-r), Selina Freitag, Katharina Althaus and Luisa Görlich celebrate their first place.

World Cup - Mini tour as a "consolation": female ski jumpers in Garmisch

Katharina Schmid spoke of a"consolation prize". For the three-time ski jumping world champion, however, the Two Nights Tour, which the organizers like to abbreviate as "TNT", should be more than that. It is also the next step on the road to equality with the men. First two stops, then soon four: that's the plan of Schmid and Co. who will be competing in the newly designed format for the first time in Garmisch-Partenkirchen on Saturday (17:45/ARD and Eurosport).

"I'm really looking forward to the Two Nights Tour, even if it's not yet a Four Hills Tournament for us - I almost can't hear myself say it anymore. Hopefully it will still be two great competitions. Garmisch-Partenkirchen is on the calendar for us for the first time, we've never had a World Cup there before," said Schmid, formerly Althaus, before the start. In addition, the New Year's competition in Oberstdorf is something special.

The German team has to improve considerably after a false start. "Our athletes are all in good spirits. We took another look at what didn't work so well at the first two World Cups. We worked on the jumping technique accordingly," said coach Thomas Juffinger. Before Christmas, 6500 tickets had been sold for both competitions together. However, the organizers are expecting a large number of sales at the box offices.

Data on the event Status in the overall World Cup DSV information on ski jumping

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