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Millions in losses: Customs search 47 stores and apartments

Large-scale operation in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein: 540 customs officers are on duty. Investigations are underway against five main suspects.

Customs searched 47 business premises and homes in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.
Customs searched 47 business premises and homes in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.

Undeclared work - Millions in losses: Customs search 47 stores and apartments

In the fight against organized fraud, customs conducted a large-scale operation. Under the leadership of the Hauptzollamt Kiel, 47 business rooms and apartments in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg were searched. According to the authorities, 540 customs officers were involved.

"The investigation targets five main suspects due to the suspicion of withholding and embezzlement of wages, commercial fraud, as well as tax evasion," said Robert Dütsch, head of the Hauptzollamt Kiel. "The preliminary estimated damage from unpaid social security contributions, income tax, and the social security fund Bau amounts to approximately three million Euro."

Rooms were searched in Kiel, Hamburg, Itzehoe, Neumünster, Lübeck, Eckernförde, Preetz, Schwentinental, Büdelsdorf, and Nettelsee. Forty-two witnesses were interrogated, and 66,000 Euro were secured. The seized documents are now being evaluated by the Customs Fraud Control of the Finanzkontrolle.

  1. This large-scale operation against organized fraud in Germany also uncovered undeclared work, potentially leading to significant loss in the millions for the German customs office in Hamburg.
  2. The main customs office in Hamburg played a crucial role in this operation, as it aimed to combat undeclared work and loss of revenue in the millions due to tax evasion and wages withholding.
  3. The search in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg resulted in various discoveries, including evidence linked to undeclared work, leading to potential financial loss in the millions for the social security contributions, income tax, and the social security fund Bau.
  4. Given the involvement of undeclared work and potential tax evasion in Schleswig-Holstein, the main customs office in Hamburg intensified its efforts to combat crimes like these, protecting not just the revenue of the country but the welfare of its citizens as well.

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