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Millions in flood damage anticipated from R+V

The destruction from the floods in southern Germany is becoming more apparent, and insurance firms are presently sharing details on the damage incurred by structures.

A flag with the "R+V" logo flutters in front of the insurance company's headquarters.
A flag with the "R+V" logo flutters in front of the insurance company's headquarters.

Weather conditions turn harsh. - Millions in flood damage anticipated from R+V

R+V Insurance Group is estimating damages of around 100 million euros for its policyholders in South Germany as a result of the recent floods. Board member Klaus Endres made this announcement on Thursday as the floodwaters began to recede in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. He cautioned that the final extent of the damage is far from being determined.

According to Endres, the majority of the reported damages have been to buildings, including many major ones. Contrary to what one might see in the media, cars only make up about 5% of the reported damages. Endres promises fast and straightforward assistance for those affected. "This is our top priority," he said. R+V will be coordinating all flood response efforts at its central hub to ensure a smooth process.

The German Insurance Association (GDV) is anticipating much higher damages from the South German floods.

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