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Midyatli offers Günther Schleswig-Holstein pact

The north faces major challenges. The new opposition leader Serpil Midyatli is constructive. And extends her hand to Prime Minister Daniel Günther.

Serpil Midyatli (SPD), leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the Schleswig-Holstein
Serpil Midyatli (SPD), leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament, speaks at a session of the state parliament in the plenary chamber in the state house.

Parliament - Midyatli offers Günther Schleswig-Holstein pact

The new opposition leader Serpil Midyatli has proposed a Schleswig-Holstein Pact to the state government. "We have to keep society together in these really difficult times," the SPD parliamentary group leader told the German Press Agency. She cited examples of how the state must make progress in expanding daycare centers and public transport as well as strengthening the education system.

Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) had offered her cooperation, said Midyatli. "If he really wants to do that, we should sit down at a table together relatively quickly." The SPD is ready to move the northernmost federal state forward. However, it is also clear: "We will not allow budgets with social cuts."

Midyatli was elected leader of the SPD parliamentary group for the second time following the resignation of her predecessor Thomas Losse-Müller in December. She had already held this position until the 2022 state elections, but had to vacate it after the SPD's disastrous 16% performance to replace Losse-Müller, who was the lead candidate at the time. With twelve MPs, the SPD is only the third largest parliamentary group in the state parliament.

The new parliamentary group leader wants to continue the work of her predecessor. "We will remain a constructive opposition," said Midyatli. The transformation fund, which Losse-Müller played a key role in developing, will remain an issue. "Nobody has said that we don't need it. Nobody disputes that the investment requirements we presented are incorrectly calculated." Climate policy must be socially just, he said. "Many people are currently insecure, politics must give them security."

Due to crises such as the war in Ukraine and the consequences, people are realizing that life has become significantly more expensive, said Midyatli. "As social democrats, we want to give them answers." The necessary restructuring of society would not happen overnight. Necessary steps to achieve the climate targets by 2030, to modernize schools, to create the 15,600 daycare places that are missing in the country or to expand bus and rail services could be tackled year after year with emergency loans in the budget. Midyatli wants to agree on this with the governing parties in a Schleswig-Holstein Pact.

"We have to provide people with the infrastructure they need in their everyday lives so that their lives can function, their children can be looked after properly and they can do their jobs," said Midyatli. "If we don't manage to do this, we will lose people on the way to achieving the climate targets." That is why the SPD continues to insist on a strong state.

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