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Midyatli criticizes course of black-green coalition

The black-green coalition in Schleswig-Holstein is acting too timidly in the view of opposition leader Serpil Midyatli. Her criticism is directed at one person in particular.

Serpil Midyatli (SPD), leader of the SPD parliamentary group in Schleswig-Holstein, during a
Serpil Midyatli (SPD), leader of the SPD parliamentary group in Schleswig-Holstein, during a brief photo

Government - Midyatli criticizes course of black-green coalition

The new opposition leader Serpil Midyatli has accused the black-green state government of lacking the will to take action. In many areas, the coalition is only timidly doing something to solve the problems, such as in the fight against the shortage of skilled workers, Midyatli told the German Press Agency. "A Welcome Center is being opened in Kiel, which, with ten people, doesn't have nearly enough staff to really do something about this problem." The coalition must stop simulating politics, he said.

Midyatli accused head of government Daniel Günther (CDU) of shifting responsibility to either the municipalities or the federal government. "But we don't see him taking responsibility for himself." She expects a head of government to tell people how and by when problems such as the lack of several thousand nursery places in the state should be solved. "And he must then be measured against this. Instead, we see that the government's goals and the situation in the country are increasingly diverging."

The black-green coalition does not agree on many issues, said Midyatli. There are always conflicts, from migration to environmental protection and dealing with the debt brake to education policy. "Basically, the two partners don't really fit together. What one side wants meets with resistance from the other."

Midyatli was elected leader of the SPD parliamentary group for the second time following the retirement of her predecessor Thomas Losse-Müller in December. She had already held this post until the 2022 state elections.

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