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Mette-Marit: Listen to younger people when it comes to environmental protection

The Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Crown Princess
The Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Crown Princess

Mette-Marit: Listen to younger people when it comes to environmental protection

When it comes to environmental protection, the Norwegian Crown Princess Mette-Marit believes that young people should be listened to more. "The younger generation is generally much more aware than we are of how they can make their daily lives better," said the 50-year-old in Berlin on Thursday. "If we really want to find out how we can change our habits, we should turn to the younger generation and listen to them too."

On the fourth and final day of Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon's trip to Germany, his wife joined him in Berlin. After a commemorative event to mark November 9, the day the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, the couple were to meet with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at Bellevue Palace and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) at the Chancellery.

Haakon alone had previously been a guest in Munich and Hamburg. The topics discussed included armaments, literature, shipping and energy.




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