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Metal posts thrown on A2 - three cars damaged

Unknown individuals threw barrier posts from a bridge onto the autobahn. Now the police are investigating.

Unknown individuals have thrown metallic posts onto the autobahn in Rheda-Wiedenbruck (pictures)
Unknown individuals have thrown metallic posts onto the autobahn in Rheda-Wiedenbruck (pictures)

traffic - Metal posts thrown on A2 - three cars damaged

Three cars drove over metal barrier posts on the A2, which were allegedly thrown onto the highway by unknown individuals prior to the incident. The barrier posts were located directly on the road at the Rheda-Wiedenbruck interchange (Gütersloh district), according to the police.

The drivers were reportedly unharmed in the incident, which occurred around midnight. Two of the cars were severely damaged and had to be towed away. One car's tank ruptured, causing the Rheda-Wiedenbruck fire department to contain and clean up spilling fuel. The damage is estimated to be around 10,000 Euros.

The suspects are believed to have thrown the posts from the bridge of the B64 road that runs through the Autobahn interchange. The police are investigating for dangerous interference in road traffic and are seeking witnesses.

The incident involving the thrown metal barrier posts on the A2 is under investigation by the North Rhine-Westphalia police in Gütersloh. The suspects are believed to have thrown the posts from the B64 bridge, posing a significant risk to traffic safety. The automotive damage caused by the incident is estimated to exceed 10,000 Euros, affecting three vehicles on the highway near Rheda-Wiedenbrück.

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