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Merkel: We will miss Schäuble's voice

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has reacted "with great dismay" to the death of her long-time political companion Wolfgang Schäuble (both CDU). "In him, Germany has lost an outstanding personality with political and programmatic foresight," Merkel said in a statement on Wednesday. "We...

The then new CDU chairman Wolfgang Schäuble congratulates Angela Merkel, who has just been
The then new CDU chairman Wolfgang Schäuble congratulates Angela Merkel, who has just been elected CDU General Secretary, at the CDU party conference in Bonn.")

Parties - Merkel: We will miss Schäuble's voice

Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has reacted "with great dismay" to the death of her long-time political companion Wolfgang Schäuble (both CDU). "In him, Germany has lost an outstanding personality with political and programmatic foresight," Merkel said in a statement on Wednesday. "We will missWolfgang Schäuble' s voice in Germany and I will personally miss his advice." He had the ability to recognize and shape major political developments far beyond the day-to-day.

"I mourn the loss of a politician who shaped our country in many ways." Schäuble was one of the architects of German unity, a pioneer of Franco-German friendship and a passionate European, explained Merkel.

"As a young minister, Wolfgang Schäuble was my political mentor. As Federal Minister of the Interior and Federal Minister of Finance, he was one of the anchors of my first three cabinets," the former Chancellor continued. As his Secretary-General, she got to know the then CDU Chairman as a passionate Christian Democrat who was open and curious about new developments. Conversations with him were always intellectually enriching.

"I admired his discipline, even towards himself, which he maintained despite and with his paraplegia after an assassination attempt. He became a role model for millions of people."

CDU politician Schäuble fell asleep peacefully at home with his family at around 8 p.m. on Tuesday evening at the age of 81. The family told the German Press Agency on Wednesday.

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