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Mercy farm needs help - horses and lambs too expensive

A sanctuary for animals near Uelzen is reaching its limits. The cost of rehoming six horses is too high. And lambs are waiting for new owners.

A sanctuary for animals near Uelzen is reaching its limits.
A sanctuary for animals near Uelzen is reaching its limits.

Sanctuary for animals - Mercy farm needs help - horses and lambs too expensive

Sabine Bracker took in six horses in need in June and took care of them. The costs, according to her, have now exceeded the budget of the small Gnadenhof in Ebstorf in the Lüneburger Heath. Five older mares and a stallion came to her, the veterinary office had seized them from a breeder's property.

The farm is financed exclusively through donations

"Two horses were even in a critical condition, completely emaciated," reported the animal lover, who finances her farm exclusively through donations and has hired two part-time employees. "When my heart is with the animals, I can't help but take them in quickly," said the animal rescuer.

The costs for a horse amount to approximately 300 Euros per month, according to her, for feed and veterinary expenses. Several horses had long overdue hooves and housing and tendon problems because they had stood for a long time on small space deep in the manure with their hind legs, explained Bracker.

Looking for takers

"For some breeders, it's only about the economic factor: how can I still sell the horses," she said. A 16-year-old broodmare, who was in a bad way when she arrived, has recently given birth to a foal on her farm.

"My interest is that they all still have a few beautiful years," she emphasized. In addition to donations, she is also looking for private individuals who have space on her farm for one of the horses. Furthermore, she has taken in more than 40 sheep and goats, most of whom have already found new owners. For some ewes with lambs, a new home is being sought.

Bracker's farm, located in the Lüneburger Heath of Lower Saxony, is known as Mercy farm. She took in six horses from Uelzen, which were in dire need, and is now seeking help to cover the expenses. With horses requiring around 300 Euros per month for feed and veterinary care, the costs have exceeded her budget, as the farm is financed exclusively through donations.

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