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Mercy at Christmas time: Over 90 prisoners are released earlier

It's almost a tradition: prisoners are released early in the weeks leading up to Christmas. The measure is not without controversy. The so-called Christmas amnesty gives prisoners precious time.

View of the old cell wing of Tegel
View of the old cell wing of Tegel

Mercy at Christmas time: Over 90 prisoners are released earlier

Just under a month before Christmas Eve, the first offenders in Berlin have been released from prison early thanks to the so-called Christmas amnesty. According to the Senate Justice Administration, a total of more than 90 prisoners are benefiting this year. According to the figures so far, this is significantly fewer than in the past. Last year, 170 offenders were sent to freedom early at Christmas, according to the justice administration. In 2021 and 2020, there were 141 each, while 170 were released early in 2019.

The justice administration did not initially give a reason for this. At the same time, it pointed out that these are provisional figures. The final balance sheet for the Christmas amnesty, as it is correctly called, will not be available until the beginning of 2024.

Only those who have not attracted negative attention are eligible

The early release is intended to give prisoners who would have been released around the turn of the year anyway a nice Christmas and help them reintegrate. The conditions are strict: only prisoners who have not attracted negative attention in prison and have not served a long prison sentence are eligible. It must also be ensured that they have a roof over their heads. This year in Berlin, prisoners who would have been released between mid-November and the beginning of January 2023 were eligible.

According to the justice system, the majority of offenders released early were serving time for theft offenses (24). Other cases involved obtaining benefits (16), mostly people who traveled by bus or train without a ticket. Some cases involved insults (6), drug offenses (6) or driving without a license (4).

According to the information provided, most of the prisoners were serving time in the Heidering prison. According to the justice authorities, 25 men there fulfilled the conditions for early release, compared to 23 at Plötzensee Prison.

Prisoners are also released early in most other federal states thanks to the Christmas reprieve. Last year, according to figures at the time, more than 1,000 offenders were released early from prison nationwide by mid-December. As a matter of principle, Bavaria never grants pardons at the end of the year.

Despite the lower number of early releases this year compared to previous years, justice still prioritizes releasing prisoners around the turn of the year. This gesture offers a sense of justice, allowing eligible prisoners to celebrate Christmas outside of the penal system. The eligibility criteria include no negative prison behavior, short sentences, and adequate housing arrangements.


