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Men wearing hoods daubed Humboldt University with a red triangle symbol.

On Tuesday evening, unidentified individuals splattered red paint across the Institute for Social Sciences at Humboldt University. The words "HU" and a triangle with the point downward, a symbol often employed by Hamas supporters, were found painted on the wall, reported a police spokesperson....

The word "police" on the hood of a car.
The word "police" on the hood of a car.

Higher Education Institutions - Men wearing hoods daubed Humboldt University with a red triangle symbol.

In the recent past, pro-Palestinian students took over the Institute for Social Sciences, causing considerable damage to the building. Graffiti was sprayed on various walls, one of which featured a red triangle. The university assessed the damages at around 150,000 euros, leading to the temporary closure of the institute.

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After the incident, Berlin police launched an investigation to identify the individuals responsible for the damage to Humboldt University. The occurrence drew criticism from various universities, including LKA and HU, who condemned the actions as a form of intolerance and violation of freedom of expression. Subsequently, a series of lectures in social science were cancelled due to heightened concerns about potential crime and security issues. In response, local authorities increased security around universities to prevent any further damage to property.

