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Memorial sites to benefit from Böhmermann's gala

The Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora memorials are to receive donations from the proceeds of Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz's Christmas campaign. Presenter Böhmermann also explains why.

Presenter Jan Böhmermann.
Presenter Jan Böhmermann.

Donations - Memorial sites to benefit from Böhmermann's gala

The Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation is delighted with an appeal for donations from presenter Jan Böhmermann and musician Olli Schulz. "Many thanks to both of them and to all donors!" wrote the Weimar-based foundation on the X platform (formerly Twitter) on Monday night. In their joint podcast, Böhmermann and Schulz named the foundation as an organization that should benefit from the proceeds of their annual fundraising campaign "Festive and Fluffy Christmas Circus".

In the podcast, Böhmermann ("ZDF Magazin Royale") praised the work of the memorials. They do a lot of educational work and inform people about what happened there. "And hopefully ensure that something like this doesn't happen again," said Böhmermann. The "Christmas Circus" is to take place on December 16 at the Berlin Natural History Museum.

The former concentration camp and current Buchenwald memorial is located near Weimar, while the Mittelbau-Dora memorial is in the town of Nordhausen. From 1937 until shortly before the end of the Second World War, the National Socialists deported around 280,000 people from all over Europe to the Buchenwald concentration camp, 56,000 of whom perished. In the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp, 60,000 prisoners had to perform forced labor and 20,000 died.

Foundation response at X About the fundraising campaign

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