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Membership of the Berlin Left Party continues to grow

The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party
The Left Party logo is attached to a microphone at a party

Membership of the Berlin Left Party continues to grow

The rapid growth in membership of the Berlin Left Party continues. In the past five weeks, the party has recorded around 700 new members, said state chairman Maximilian Schirmer at a party conference in Friedrichshain on Friday. He was very pleased about this development, said Schirmer, even though some members had left the Left at the same time. He did not give any figures - at the beginning of the week there was talk of a good 100 people leaving.

The development is linked to plans by former Left Party member of parliament Sahra Wagenknecht to found a new party. These plans were announced in mid-October. In the meantime, the Berlin Left Party, whose membership has been declining for years, has once again exceeded the threshold of 7,000 party members.

Despite the departure of around 100 members recently, the Berlin Left Party has still seen a significant increase in membership, with approximately 700 new members joining recently. Some party members chose to leave following the announcement of former Left Party member Sahra Wagenknecht's plans to establish a new party.


