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MDR presenter considers running for BSW in the state parliament.

Steffen Quasebarth, previously a host on "Thüringen Journal" at MDR, aims to join the Thuringian state parliament through the BSW party. He's already identified specific issues to focus on.

Teilnehmer des Landesparteitags des Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) sitzen auf ihren Plätzen. Der...
Teilnehmer des Landesparteitags des Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) sitzen auf ihren Plätzen. Der sächsische Landesverband des Bündnisses Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) will sich für die Landtagswahl aufstellen.

Gatherings or social events - MDR presenter considers running for BSW in the state parliament.

The TV host Steffen Quasebarth from MDR is allegedly campaigning for a spot in the Thuringia state parliament as part of the Left Party (Die Linke) group led by Sahra Wagenknecht. According to a recent discussion with "Stern," he has always desired to engage in politics. His aim is to secure one of the top five spots on the BSW (Left Party) list for the September 1st elections. He said, "Sahra Wagenknecht invited me to participate in her party with this stipulation." The BSW is scheduled to assemble their Thuringia state election list on Saturday. Katja Wolf, Eisenach's mayor and a former Left Party member, is predicted to take the top position.

Quasebarth has been presenting "Thuringia Journal" on MDR for a considerable length of time. In a "Stern" interview, he disclosed his intention to focus on education and media policies - "and the connection between the two." He also dismissed any potential collaborations with the AfD (Alternative for Germany).

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