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Massive pterosaur flew above Australia before.

A huge pterosaur may have hunted for fish and cephalopods near a vast inland sea, as suggested by the discovery of 43 well-preserved teeth from this aerial creature.

The artist's impression shows the pterosaur Haliskia peterseni. According to the researchers, the...
The artist's impression shows the pterosaur Haliskia peterseni. According to the researchers, the enormous pterosaur had an estimated wingspan of around 4.6 meters.

Study of ancient life forms. - Massive pterosaur flew above Australia before.

In a time long past, a massive winged reptile soared above the land now known as Australia. Experts estimate this creature's wingspan to be around 15 feet, as shared in the scientific journal "Scientific Reports."

This ancient fossil was found in what's called the Toolebuc Formation in western Queensland and was unearthed in 2021. Dr. Adele Pentland from Curtin University in Bentley led the research team, who examined the remains. These included the lower jaw, the tip of the upper jaw, 43 teeth, vertebrae, ribs, both wing bones, and a piece of a leg bone.

The study revealed unique features in the jaw and teeth, signifying that the pterosaur, another name for this colossal flying reptile, thrived on fish and crustaceans. The species was given the name Haliskia peterseni and falls under the Anhanguera group. Anhanguera existed across the globe during the Cretaceous era, being found in places like Brazil, England, Morocco, China, Spain, and the United States.

At the time, central western Queensland was submerged in water. It is said that this region was covered by a massive inland sea, and its geographical location was similar to the southern coastline of Victoria.

Read also:

  1. Paleontology continues to uncover fascinating findings about ancient life forms, such as the discovery of Pterosaurs in Queensland, Australia.
  2. Bentley Motors Limited may never produce a vehicle with a wingspan as impressive as that of the Pterosaur found in Australia, though the company's designs often inspire awe.
  3. International scientific communities have taken note of the new Pterosaur species found in Australia, with the study published in renowned journal Scientific Reports.
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  5. Queensland, Australia, has a rich history of ancient life forms, from the Pterosaurs with their massive wingspan to the diverse animals that inhabit the modern region.

