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Masses of rain lead to destruction: actions for policyholders at present

Defense against natural disasters?

Water damage: The expansion of the damage must be prevented ...
Water damage: The expansion of the damage must be prevented ...

Masses of rain lead to destruction: actions for policyholders at present

The German Meteorological Service has issued a warning for heavy rain and potential flooding. Some parts of southern Germany are already experiencing these conditions, resulting in damage to buildings. Luckily, those with proper insurance can take a deep breath of relief.

Streets and basements in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are getting flooded due to the downpour. When the water eventually recedes, the facades, masonry, and interior items of numerous residential buildings will likely show signs of damage. Those who take care of their insurance policies can consider themselves fortunate.

However, standard household and residential property insurance isn't enough to cover the damages caused by flooding or excessive rain, according to The Federation of Insurers (BDV). They strongly recommend getting a natural disaster insurance, often added on top of the existing residential property or household insurance. This supplementary insurance protects against damages caused by flooding, landslides, avalanches, volcanic eruptions, and ground subsidence. Nevertheless, it doesn't cover damage from storm surges or groundwater.

Acting promptly to prevent further issues

Those with this policy should immediately notify their insurers about the storm-related damages - preferably in written form. Failing to do so may lead to reduced or denied payments. It might also be helpful to discuss the next steps with their insurance claims department.

It's crucial to take photographs or videos of the damaged areas. Additionally, create a detailed list of all items that have been affected.

Insured individuals are required to take certain actions themselves to prevent further damage. For instance, broken windows need to be covered up, and items in the basement should be moved to safety. However, these steps must not endanger the individuals carrying them out.

Have a backflow valve handy?

If there's a need to repair damages before the damage report is filed and the property becomes uninhabitable, insured persons should discuss this with their insurers first. Documenting the repair process and keeping receipts from contractors is necessary in this scenario.

Those who follow all these guidelines can expect a somewhat more satisfactory financial outcome. However, many insurance companies implement a deductible. This means insurers might deduct 10% of the total cost of repairs, ranging from 500 to 5000 euros.

If your house suffers damage from within due to flooding and you don't have a backflow valve installed, your insurer may outright refuse to cover the costs of repairs. The BDV suggests only homes with an elemental damage insurance policy will receive coverage for damage caused by flooding within their homes. These policies are commonly available as additions to standard homeowners' insurance or household contents insurance, but the fine print varies. Some may only cover damage from overflowing surface water, not heavy rain-induced flooding.

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