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Marx rejects the impact of AfD officials.

Munich's Archbishop Cardinal Reinhard Marx has voiced his opposition to AfD officials serving on church committees. "I cannot accept an AfD member being part of a committee," Marx told Süddeutsche Zeitung. "Talking with ideologically inflexible officials is pointless," Marx added. "Anyone who...

Reinhard Kardinal Marx, Erzbischof von München und Freising, spricht ein Grußwort.
Reinhard Kardinal Marx, Erzbischof von München und Freising, spricht ein Grußwort.

House of worship - Marx rejects the impact of AfD officials.

The issue is how to connect with individuals who voted for the AfD for various motives. "I can't say all of them are 'villains' to us."

With democracy and freedom losing their obviousness, "In 1989, we believed that democracy and human rights had solidified, we thought the future would be brighter. Who would have foreseen we'd see a right-wing fanatic party of this magnitude in Germany or witness wars in Europe?"

Marx applauded the efforts of numerous democratic local political leaders in Germany. "I worry that some democrats will retreat out of dread of attacks, and the commitment to democracy will deteriorate," Marx remarked. "Yet, there are numerous local politicians who are eager. It's these individuals that embody democracy the most. More respect for politicians and politicians would help curb radicalization."

When it comes to life protection, Marx recommended against tampering with the current legal framework that already considers both the woman's right and the child's right to life. "If anyone wants to stir the pot now, they're fortifying the radicals and creating a cultural debate."

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