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Marx: "More weapons will not bring us closer to peace"

Cardinal Reinhard Marx from Munich has called for violence to be overcome at Christmas. "Violence and war cannot create lasting peace," he said in the speech manuscript for the Christmas sermon on Christmas Eve in Munich's Liebfrauendom, which was distributed in advance. Despite the necessary...

Cardinal Reinhard Marx.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx.

Church - Marx: "More weapons will not bring us closer to peace"

Cardinal Reinhard Marx from Munich has called for violence to be overcome at Christmas. "Violence and war cannot create lasting peace," he said in the speech manuscript for the Christmas sermon on Christmas Eve in Munich's Liebfrauendom, which was distributed in advance. Despite the necessary right to self-defense, it must also be clear that peace can only be found by overcoming violence, said the Archbishop of Munich and Freising.

This in turn requires a willingness to find a just balance, a just peace, a new, perhaps even reconciled coexistence. This applies everywhere - "more weapons will not bring us closer to peace".

The Archbishop also called on the faithful to tell stories of peace. He is convinced that stories need to be told again and again "that really happened and that make it clear that this Christmas perspective is not a utopia and flashes up again and again in the real history of our lives and the world". In this way, possibilities could be shown - and hope could grow. It is also very personal to tell the stories that build, that encourage, that remind us of the moments in life that were full of love and joy, that gave us hope. "Especially now, we must and should celebrate Christmas well and with joy," said the Cardinal with a view to the current wars and crises.

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