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Marx calls for commitment to democracy

Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich has called on people to stand up for democracy at the turn of the year. The Archbishop of Munich and Freising said in a statement that he was entering the new year "with great concern". On the one hand, there are wars "on our doorstep", but also the danger posed...

Cardinal Reinhard Marx holds a Christmas mass in the cathedral.
Cardinal Reinhard Marx holds a Christmas mass in the cathedral.

Church - Marx calls for commitment to democracy

Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich has called on people to stand up for democracy at the turn of the year. The Archbishop of Munich and Freising said in a statement that he was entering the new year "with great concern". On the one hand, there are wars "on our doorstep", but also the danger posed to democracies by authoritarian thinking, populists and conspiracy theorists - in Europe, but also worldwide. "I am extremely concerned about this."

To face up to the challenges, Christians need strength from their faith. "I am convinced that the power of prayer is of extraordinary importance." He therefore invites all believers to seek prayer in the new year.

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