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Marianne Rosenberg unveils "Bunter Planet"

Initially in Marianne Rosenberg's professional journey, she recounts being influenced by others. Now, she exercises autonomy over her own projects, featuring memorable tunes and rhythmic rhythms.

The singer Marianne Rosenberg is in the studio for the recording of "The Beatrice Egli Show".
The singer Marianne Rosenberg is in the studio for the recording of "The Beatrice Egli Show".

Audio tracks or melodies - Marianne Rosenberg unveils "Bunter Planet"

For singer Marianne Rosenberg, releasing new music is more thrilling than ever before, even after decades in the industry. In an interview with the German Press Agency, the 69-year-old artist compared her latest project to a "musical baby," saying, "I've given it a title, designed it." Her "baby" - an album titled "Bunter Planet" - will be released on June 7th.

Now, Rosenberg feels like the "director of the entire musical construct." During her earlier days in the music scene, she explained, decision-making was controlled by record companies, producers, and songwriters. Today, though, she works independently, brushing off naysayers with her success. "I can ignore comments like, 'Well, girl, your time is over,' if I still have a number one album at my age."

Similar in style to her previous album, "Im Namen der Liebe," "Bunter Planet" features 14 songs. The tracks incorporate Rosenberg's unique voice with electric beats, making them potential summer anthems.

Through her new album, Rosenberg wants to send a political message. "Besides 'Bunter Planet,' there are songs like 'Liebe spüren' and 'Keine Zeit' on the record," she described, "but the celebration here isn't just about the love between two people. Instead, it's about the moment, the shared chemistry, the shared emotions - things I deem very important."

Rosenberg noted that our current era has been marked by discrimination, hate speech, and ostracization, leading her to advocate for a return to empathy. "As someone who was born in West Berlin, I can't help but notice the prevalence of aggression, encouraging division and hatred among people. My hope lies in the power of community and love." With a meaningful look at world affairs, some might call Rosenberg a dreamer - but the singer confidently paraphrases the words of John Lennon: "imagine."

Read also:

  1. The upcoming album "Bunter Planet" by Marianne Rosenberg is generating excitement among music enthusiasts in Germany and beyond, eagerly anticipating its June 7th release.
  2. People from all walks of life have shown their love and support for Rosenberg's musical journey, especially considering her role as a mother and German artist.
  3. The German Press Agency reported that the singer is elated about the album release, describing it as a project close to her heart, just like a baby she nurtured and named.
  4. As the 'director' of her latest work, Marianne Rosenberg feels gratified to have seen her vision and musical ideas come to fruition, free from the influence of external parties, as was the case in her earlier years.
  5. Marrying her signature voice with contemporary electronic beats, "Bunter Planet" is expected to resonate with audiences and potentially become a soundtrack for summer evenings, carrying the message of unity and love propagated by Marianne Rosenberg throughout its tracks.

