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Many New Year's Eve operations for police and fire department in MV

People in the north-east welcomed the New Year 2024 with plenty of fireworks and celebrated well into the night in many places. There was plenty for the police to do.

New Year's Eve rockets explode over the new pier in Prerow.
New Year's Eve rockets explode over the new pier in Prerow.

Turn of the year - Many New Year's Eve operations for police and fire department in MV

Police and fire departments were called out to numerous incidents on New Year's Eve in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Most of these involved burning garbage cans, alcohol-related disputes or improper use of fireworks. Overall, the celebrations remained peaceful and relatively quiet. There was a spectacular fireworks display at the new pier in Prerow on the Darß. Hundreds of onlookers watched the traditional fireworks display on the Baltic Sea beach on New Year's Eve.

Minister President Manuela Schwesig (SPD) praised the work of the rescue and security forces. "I would like to thank everyone who worked at the turn of the year so that we could celebrate, especially the emergency services, the fire department and the police."

In the jurisdiction of the Rostock police headquarters alone, officers were called out to a total of 30 fires, most of which involved burning garbage cans or used clothing containers, according to the police. There were also smaller fights and arguments. A total of 20 incidents were recorded "in which people were harmed as a result of bodily harm".

According to the police, around 400 revellers gathered on Margaretenplatz in the Kröpeliner-Tor-Vorstadt district of Rostock. Several Christmas trees were set on fire there, but were quickly extinguished by the fire department. In total, the control center of the Rostock police headquarters counted 357 emergency calls between 6 p.m. on Sunday and 5 a.m. on Monday.

In front of a discotheque in Schwerin, a 21-year-old man reportedly attacked and insulted police officers. The man was briefly handcuffed. Police officers were not injured.

In Sanitz, the police were informed on New Year's Eve that several people had thrown a large object onto the tracks at the train station. The officers discovered that it was a garbage can that had been torn from its concrete anchoring and had to be removed immediately. A glazed bus shelter was also badly damaged. A manhunt is underway for a group of five suspected perpetrators for damage to property and dangerous interference with rail traffic.

On the evening of New Year's Eve, the police were able to apprehend two 27 and 28-year-old men who set off pyrotechnics at the main entrance to Ludwigslust Castle, causing damage estimated at around 1000 euros. Both men were under the influence of alcohol and now face charges of criminal damage to property.

PM Police Rostock Press release Sanitz

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