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Many infants in care in Saxony-Anhalt

Concerning childcare, a difference between East and West is still noticeable today. In the nationwide comparison, Saxony-Anhalt performs well.

Many children in Saxony-Anhalt are being cared for.
Many children in Saxony-Anhalt are being cared for.

- Many infants in care in Saxony-Anhalt

Saxony-Anhalt has performed exceptionally well in the nationwide comparison of childcare for toddlers. In the regional comparison of districts, the districts of Börde and Wittenberg were among the top three, sharing the top spot with the city of Rostock, the Statistical State Office announced. As of March 1, 2023, 63.3 percent of children under three years old in these two districts were cared for in a daycare facility or by a daycare provider. Six more districts from Saxony-Anhalt were among the top 20.

Saxony-Anhalt also performed well in the nationwide comparison. With a rate of 59.0 percent, it ranked second behind Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (59.2 percent). Bremen had the lowest rate at 30.7 percent.

Nationwide, the childcare rate for toddlers in 2023 was 36.4 percent. There was a clear difference between East and West: while the rate was 55.7 percent in the new federal states, it was more than 20 percentage points lower in the old federal states (34.6 percent).

Since 2013, children have had a legal right to a childcare place from their first birthday. In Saxony-Anhalt, every child from birth until they reach the 7th grade has been guaranteed a place in full-day care since then.

Children in Saxony-Anhalt greatly benefit from the high-quality childcare facilities, as the region consistently performs well in nationwide comparisons. The districts of Börde and Wittenberg, alongside Rostock, even ranked among the top providers for toddler care.

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