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Many driver's license exchanges expected again

A deadline is approaching for those born between 1965 and 1970 to exchange their driving licenses. The driving license offices in Rhineland-Palatinate are reporting high demand for appointments in some cases. However, digitalization is not yet a reality here.

A pink driver's license lies on a table.
A pink driver's license lies on a table.

Authorities - Many driver's license exchanges expected again

In the driving license authorities in Rhineland-Palatinate, the long-term project for the exchange of old driving licenses for forgery-proof check cards is entering the next round. In a few weeks' time, the next deadline for particularly baby boomers will end. However, it is not yet possible to apply online in the federal state. The municipal administrations are expecting an increase in applications before the deadline - in some cases, applicants have to wait until they get an appointment.

Why is the exchange necessary?

Driving licenses are to become standardized and forgery-proof in the EU by 2033. Around 43 million documents will have to be exchanged nationwide to bring them all into the credit card format that will then only be valid. This generally affects all driving licenses for cars and motorcycles that were issued before January 19, 2013.

All people born between 1953 and 1958 had to exchange their paper driving license for an EU card driving license by 19 January 2022. Those born between 1959 and 1964 had until January 19 of this year. Those born between 1965 and 1970 now have until January 19, 2024 to exchange.

What the city councils say

So far this year, 3170 exchange applications have been received in Mainz, according to a spokesperson. "We expect the number of applications to increase significantly again in January 2024, as is always the case when a deadline ends," it continued. In addition to the driving license office, the citizens' office also accepts applications.

An appointment currently requires a lead time of around two to four weeks. However, if canceled appointments become available, it can sometimes be quicker. The capacities for processing are therefore generally sufficient: Two additional positions have been created. However, it is not yet possible to predict how many driving licenses from the different years still need to be exchanged and when they will arrive.

In Koblenz, there is currently a significant increase in applications, according to a city spokesperson. Two additional positions were initially created to process the applications. However, these are currently vacant. "The online appointment system is fully booked for weeks, but requests by phone or email can often be processed from one day to the next due to appointment cancellations," it continued.

The city of Trier has recorded 2053 applications so far this year, with a peak of 437 in January - shortly before the end of the last deadline. The application process seems to be less bureaucratic: according to a spokesperson for the city, you have to wait an average of two to four days for an appointment in Trier, and sometimes you can get one on the same day. There is enough staff to process the applications, she said.

Landau in der Pfalz currently receives around 45 applications a week. "The number has doubled or in some cases tripled in the past three months," said a spokeswoman. "There is currently sufficient capacity, as we increased one half-time position to a full-time position at the start of the exchange campaign." People currently have to wait around 14 days for an appointment.

Info page state government on driving license exchange

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