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Many cases of illness: waiting times possible on the hotline

Berliners may have to be patient when calling the 116 117 patient service hotline, especially over the holidays. Due to the currently very high number of colds and corona cases, the Berlin Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Berlin) pointed out...

A senior citizen types on her smartphone.
A senior citizen types on her smartphone.

Patient service - Many cases of illness: waiting times possible on the hotline

Berliners may have to be patient when calling the 116 117 patient service hotline, especially over the holidays. Due to the currently very high number of colds and corona cases, the Berlin Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Berlin) pointed out possible waiting times on Wednesday. "The period during and between the public holidays is the peak period," it said. The KV appealed to the public to only contact the medical on-call service control center in the event of acute illnesses.

The on-call service is responsible in cases where the GP practice is closed but patients feel they cannot wait until the next day. Examples given by KV include flu, fever and vomiting. Callers to the hotline can then receive medical advice and, depending on the situation, be forwarded to surgeries that are on duty or to one of the KV emergency service surgeries. In emergencies and life-threatening situations, call the emergency services on 112.

"We will deploy all available staff and additional external service providers to deal with the increased number of patients," the KV announced. In addition, the KV emergency service practices are offering additional opening hours. The medical on-call service is also available around the clock during the Christmas holidays, between the years and on New Year's Day.

KV KV communication on the 116117 campaign for the right number at the right time

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