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Mannheim prisoner escapes after doctor's appointment

A prisoner uses a corridor to the hospital to escape - despite being handcuffed. Support comes from an accomplice with a firearm. The case is reminiscent of a similar incident.

A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.
A police patrol car with its blue lights switched on.

Manhunt - Mannheim prisoner escapes after doctor's appointment

A 25-year-old inmate from Mannheim prison used a doctor's appointment at the hospital in the neighboring city of Ludwigshafen to escape. A second man on a scooter was waiting at the hospital in the second largest city in Rhineland-Palatinate during the morning appointment, the Ludwigshafen police headquarters announced on Thursday.

The masked man threatened the prison officers at Mannheim Prison with a pistol and shot into the air, it said. The handcuffed prisoner from neighboring Baden-Württemberg jumped onto the scooter and both fled together. The prison officers were able to chase the scooter for a short distance before losing sight of it.

According to clinic manager Hans-Friedrich Günther, the inmate had been treated in the oral surgery department.

The public prosecutor's office in Mannheim issued an execution warrant and put the prisoner on the wanted list. The man was sentenced to seven years in prison by the Mannheim Regional Court in October 2022 for particularly serious robbery and extortion, among other things, the prosecution announced.

On Thursday, police searched for the prisoner and the second man with large forces. "A police helicopter was also deployed. The casing of a blank firearm was found at the scene," the authorities announced.

In the meantime, a black scooter had been found - whether it was the getaway vehicle was initially unclear.

According to the police, there were no indications of any danger to bystanders. "However, the fugitive is probably in an exceptional situation, which is why we are still asking people not to pick up hitchhikers in the Ludwigshafen area," they said.

This is the second escape of a prisoner from Baden-Württemberg in Rhineland-Palatinate within a few weeks. A prisoner at Bruchsal Prison had escaped on October 30 during a guarded excursion to a quarry pond in Germersheim, using a tool to break his ankle cuff. In 2012, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Karlsruhe district court for strangling a man. The prisoner is still on the run.


Read also:

  1. Due to the escape of the wanted prisoner from Mannheim, there's a heightened level of criminality in the Ludwigshafen area, as indicated by the police.
  2. The correctional facility in Ludwigshafen, Baden-Württemberg, is currently involved in a manhunt for the escaped inmate, who is on the wanted list after a doctor's appointment.
  3. The prison officer from Mannheim correctional facility regrets that a routine doctor's appointment at the Ludwigshafen hospital turned into a criminal opportunity for the inmate to escape with the help of an accomplice.
  4. The police in Rudenheim-Palatinate are working closely with their counterparts in Baden-Württemberg to apprehend the fugitive and his accomplice, ensuring a safe return to the correctional facility.


