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Manned SpaceX "Starliner" mission to the International Space Station halted another time.

The Boeing Starliner, intended for transporting astronauts to and from the ISS, has been marred by numerous issues. The latest launch attempt was abandoned.

The launch of "Starliner" has been aborted again.
The launch of "Starliner" has been aborted again.

Voyages into the cosmos - Manned SpaceX "Starliner" mission to the International Space Station halted another time.

The highly anticipated first crewed test flight of Boeing's spacecraft, "Starliner," has been canceled once more, this time just before its scheduled takeoff from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The spacecraft had been set to launch, but everything came to a sudden stop three minutes prior, ultimately leading to the mission being called off by NASA.

The reason behind the cancellation is believed to be an issue with a ground-based computer system, but the exact cause remains undisclosed.

The test flight was initially scheduled a month ago but has been delayed several times since. Two NASA astronauts, Barry Wilmore and Suni Williams, were set to embark on the mission, planning to spend about a week at the International Space Station (ISS) aboard the "Starliner." NASA has proposed alternative takeoff dates on Sunday and June 5th and 6th, although it's still uncertain which one will be chosen.

Back in May 2022, the uncrewed "Starliner" experienced a successful flight to the ISS, where it stayed for four days. This flight was a crucial step for the spacecraft's development as it's designed to transport astronauts to the ISS, providing a viable alternative to SpaceX's "Crew Dragon" spacecraft. Unfortunately, the project has faced numerous setbacks resulting in delays.

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