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Man with knife overpowered at Dresden airport

A man armed with a knife has triggered a large-scale operation at Dresden Airport. The 47-year-old was checked on a train on Saturday, but did not have a ticket, the police said. He refused to give his personal details, whereupon the federal police were asked for assistance. The man became...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police patrol car.

Police operation - Man with knife overpowered at Dresden airport

A man armed with a knife has triggered a large-scale operation at Dresden Airport. The 47-year-old was checked on a train on Saturday, but did not have a ticket, the police said. He refused to give his personal details, whereupon the federal police were asked for assistance. The man became aggressive towards the officers, pulled out a knife and threatened the officers when they tried to lead him off the train, it said.

Threatened by the man, the police officers then reportedly used pepper spray - but to no avail. They therefore locked the train carriage and made sure that the other passengers left, the police explained. The man then went on a rampage on the train - damaging seats and a control panel, among other things - and locked himself in the train toilet. Additional emergency services were called to open the door, overpowered the man and arrested him.

During the operation, the 47-year-old suffered an injury to his foot, which was treated by the emergency services. According to the police, no one else was injured. The "Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten" initially reported on the operation.

Lesen Sie auch:

  1. The Federal Police were called upon to assist in dealing with criminality at Dresden Airport during a police operation, as a man refused to comply with police demands and threatened officers with a knife.
  2. In the aftermath of the disruptive incident at Dresden Airport, Saxony's authorities had to organize a large-scale deployment of emergency services to manage the situation and apprehend the aggressive passenger.
  3. According to reports, the man caused significant damage to the train's interior, which included damaging seats and a control panel, before being overpowered by police and arrested at the airport.
  4. Remarkably, despite the escalating situation and threats of violence, no other passengers or airport personnel were reportedly harmed during the extensive police operation in Dresden.


