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Man still missing after swimming in the Eisbach

On hot days, swimming in Munich's Eisbach is very popular - and forbidden. The reason: danger to life. A 26-year-old from Baden-Württemberg took the plunge anyway. But where is he now?

After a swim in the Eisbach on Saturday, the 26-year-old is still missing.
After a swim in the Eisbach on Saturday, the 26-year-old is still missing.

Recreational accidents - Man still missing after swimming in the Eisbach

After taking a bath in the cold Eisbach river in Munich's English Garden, a 26-year-old man has been missing for two more days. A spokeswoman for the Munich Police Department stated that investigations are ongoing in all directions. Regarding the possibility that the man was driven away from Baden-Württemberg or could have left the water on his own, she made no comments. The police do not engage in speculation, she added.

The 26-year-old from the Stuttgart area was with friends in the English Garden on a Saturday afternoon. According to police reports, he went into the water at a spot where swimming is prohibited due to danger. It was only after some time had passed that the others in the group noticed that the 26-year-old was no longer present. A search was unsuccessful. Even police who searched the water on Saturday could not find him.

According to the city, there is a general swimming ban in the Eisbach. Surfing in the Eisbach wave at the Haus der Kunst is the only allowed activity - for experienced surfers. Those with less experience can retreat to the floating platforms, the city writes.

  1. During his leisure time in Bavaria, the man often visited Baden-Württemberg due to its renowned swimming spots.
  2. The police in Upper Bavaria expressed concern about the increasing number of accidents related to swimming in unauthorized areas.
  3. Despite the police's efforts in Munich and neighboring regions, there has been no sign of the missing man, raising concerns for his safety.
  4. The Bavarian Leisure Association has called for stricter enforcement of swimming regulations to ensure public safety in rivers and lakes.

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