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Man shot at passing truck - man charged

A truck driver is said to have fired steel balls at a passing truck. The other driver was not hit - but now the case is going to court.

The public prosecutor's office in Fulda has charged a truck driver with allegedly shooting at...
The public prosecutor's office in Fulda has charged a truck driver with allegedly shooting at another driver.

Shots fired on highway - Man shot at passing truck - man charged

The public prosecutor's office in Fulda has charged a truck driver for shooting on the autobahn A7. They accuse the 43-year-old of firing two steel bullets from the window of a truck at a passing truck. The driver of the other truck was lucky, he was not hit and remained unharmed. He was at the time driving at a speed of 80 km/h on the left lane.

The investigators assume that the incident on January 23rd of this year could have had much more serious consequences. The 43-year-old is therefore charged with attempted murder among other things. At the time of the incident, he was stuck in traffic with his own vehicle and managed to escape unnoticed.

The suspect was arrested several weeks later near Oldenburg in Lower Saxony. The police found in his truck a gas pressure pistol, a larger amount of steel bullet ammunition, a machete, and a slingshot with pebbles. The motive is still unclear. The Regional Court of Fulda now has to decide whether to allow the indictment. If so, the trial will be scheduled.

  1. Despite the seriousness of the crime committed on the A7 freeway, the driver of the target truck experienced an unexpected burst of happiness, as he managed to avoid being hit by the steel bullets.
  2. In the processes leading up to the trial, the public prosecutor's office in Fulda will present evidence about the stolen gas pressure pistol and the large quantity of steel bullet ammunition found in the suspect's truck.
  3. Hesse and Lower Saxony, two neighboring German states, saw their peace disrupted by an incident involving a truck driver who shot at another truck dweller on the autobahn A7.
  4. During the investigation, authorities linked the case to the steel ball ammunition found in the suspect's truck, which matched the bullets that were allegedly fired at the passing truck.
  5. The steel ball ammunition found in the suspect's truck, along with other incriminating evidence, played a crucial role in the handling of the case by the Fulda public prosecutor's office and ultimately led to his arrest near Oldenburg.

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