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Man sentenced after acquittal for murder of wife

"It's a clear overall picture," says the judge - and convicts a 64-year-old man of murdering his wife. Another chamber of the court had ruled quite differently in the case last year.

Files lie on the table before a trial in a district court.
Files lie on the table before a trial in a district court.

Processes - Man sentenced after acquittal for murder of wife

When the verdict against her father is announced, the daughter starts to scream. She drums her hands on the bench in front of her. So loudly that what the presiding judge says is almost drowned out. She sentences the young woman's father to life imprisonment - for the murder of her mother.

On Wednesday, the chamber of the Munich I Regional Court considers it proven that the 64-year-old killed his wife with a shot to the head around nine years ago - and thus comes to a different conclusion than his fellow judges in 2022.

At that time, another chamber of the regional court had acquitted the man of the murder charge. However, because the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) overturned this controversial verdict, the trial had to be reopened.

"We looked very closely at every single detail and gave it a lot of thought," says the judge. "Do the individual parts paint a picture? Yes, it's a clear overall picture."

His wife 's death in 2015 had long been treated as a suicide. After doubts arose about this, the public prosecutor finally brought murder charges against the husband, who maintained his innocence during the trial: "I didn't shoot my wife."

His defense had pleaded for the man to be acquitted of the murder charge, convicted only of a violation of the Weapons Act and for the arrest warrant against him to be revoked.

The public prosecutor, on the other hand, who had demanded a murder conviction, assumed that the Bosnian had killed his wife, to whom he had been married for 17 years and had five children together, "driven by jealousy". According to this, the relationship had been difficult - the accused had acted in a jealous and controlling manner.

The 64-year-old, on the other hand, said in court that they had had consensual sex games with a gun as a couple. On that evening in 2015, he had wanted to take the gun out of his wife's hand during a scuffle. "Then a shot went off and she fell over."

Despite the doubts of the chamber at the time about the defendant's account, the principle of "in dubio pro reo" applied to them in the first trial before the district court - in case of doubt for the defendant.

The judges now have no such doubts on Wednesday: "The hypothesis of an accident or suicide is finally off the table," emphasized the presiding judge in her reasons for the verdict.

Read also:

  1. The public prosecutor's office in Bavaria decided to reopen the case after the Federal Court of Justice overturned the acquittal of the man accused of murdering his wife in Munich.
  2. The trial in front of the Munich I Regional Court resulted in a life sentence for the 64-year-old man, who had initially been acquitted of the murder charge in 2022.
  3. During the Wednesday hearing, the chamber of the Munich I Regional Court found that the man's wife's death in 2015 was not a suicide, but a murder committed with a shot to the head.
  4. The defense argued that the man should only be convicted of violating the Weapons Act and that the arrest warrant against him should be revoked, but the public prosecutor demanded a murder conviction.
  5. The 64-year-old man, who had been married to his wife for 17 years and had five children together, claimed during the trial that they had consensual sex games with a gun, and that the shot that killed her had gone off accidentally.
  6. The court in Munich dismissed the defendant's account, stating that the hypothesis of an accident or suicide was no longer viable, and that the man's actions were driven by criminality and likely motivated by jealousy.


